Thursday, March 22, 2012

What is the connection???

I came across this quote by famous management guru Peter Drucker and it goes something like this:

"The greatest danger in times of turbulence is not the turbulence; It is to act with yesterday's logic".......
Although I am not sure how much of this was intended to see it from living your life perspective, I feel this is very apt to how one could live life free of troubles and confusions.  In its true sense in the management world, this tells people to really look at the present data and make a sound decision based on the present data that you possess.  If you look at life, I guess we could do that too. Yes, its probably hard to let go of some of the past, life is very different than selling a burger or groceries to people.  But nevertheless, lets see what we can do to take in present data around us and see how that could help us.

Consider the fact that you have had a pretty decent life with all the roti, kapda makaan taken care of and education also taken care of. It's only after you graduate from college that life really hits you on the face with a soft pillow or a hard cement block to bleed your nose and yell at you "SURPRISE.....GOTCHA!!!".....And you are either dazed or hurt with that you encounter and wondering where the hell did I mess it up......I guess the place where we all tend to mess it up is to expect life to be as casual and protective as we had it back in college......That's probably the first start for us to really ingratiate ourselves into the thinking that "Don't have any expectations from anyone"...... The moment you do that, you stop taking everything for granted....You feel the need to really earn whatever you want in life and when you have these "hunger-games" playing within,  when you get something that satiates your hunger, you feel very satisfied irrespective of the quantity of "food" that goes into you...... But it doesn't stop there does it?? It's just the beginning and you have to make lots of decisions which really shape your life and have put you where you currently are........So what do we do when we have to make such decisions in life??  Well.....we probably do one of these things:

i. Ah.....I have been in this position before. I perfectly know how its gonna unfold from here....
ii. Wait a minute!!! This is unknown territory....How am I supposed to navigate myself from here......???
iii. Ah....I know someone who was in this situation......I know what that person did and I am either going to/not going to the same thing.....

Let's re-consider our usual approach and see how we can apply the management mantra to our life and check out how it could work.....BTW this is just my perspective and I am really not preaching anything as such....

Irrespective of what situation you may be in .....lets consider the present facts......You may think you know how it may unfold from may be good or it may be bad.....But your present will never be an exact replica of what the past was no matter what.....That could either mean you are dreaming or you are too scared to take a chance in life that you enjoy things not changing around you......
The best scenario to be in is to treat every decision making as scenario (ii) where by you try to tell yourself, this is kinda unknown for me coz things have changed a lot and when things have changed, so have I .....So I going to use the wisdom I got from my experiences but I am going to make a decision purely based on the data that I have currently......Does that sound better??

What does this approach yield?? To put it bluntly : peace of mind...... How??

Well.....consider you are driving a car and you have been hit from the back before because you did not notice the rear view mirror on to your right. What would happen if that paranoia forces you to keep looking at the rear view mirror every 2 seconds and you lose concentration of the road in front of you....BOOM....thats a recipe for another accident.......It is as simple as that......You cannot drive ahead by just looking at the rear view mirror........You need to look forward and look ahead from where you are........The road ahead is far more wider and longer and if you take your eyes off it to look back you will be left behind and you will be stuck where you feared.......Leave the past, look ahead and take each toll both as it comes.........

And keep saying this to yourself.....
"No matter what shit happens.....Life is awesome coz these are the events that make it awesome......."

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